Every decent site has a blog

. . . and so has mine. I have no clear idea what will go here, but a few unclear ones.
One: the “news” header of the main site has now tended to become more of a comments column, as the number of new tabs has diminished and my urge to communicate other things has increased. This is not necessarily wrong or bad, but rather an opportunity.
Another: I write quite a few mails in response to questions or remarks from people, with a character ranging from discussion of Dylan-oriented things to more general culturally oriented ramblings. I figured this would be a way to collect that, and also extend the communicability, and channel it, perhaps in a slightly different direction than the all-outs of the pool or r.m.d.
Three: “There are more important things in life than Dylan”. I said that, about a year ago. I intend for the range of topics to be taken up here to become wider than just Dylan and music. How about typography? Web design? Access databases? Knitting? (I kid you not)
Four: As a maintainer of a fairly well visited site in the world/space/culture that the Internet has become, I feel a growing responsibility towards/for this world/space/culture. “Towards” insofar as it consists of people, who spend large parts of their lives there. “For” insofar as I feel responsible for what I put out there, and for what I don’t. I watch with a mixture of a- and be-musement the obvious ease and naturalness with which my kids interact through the net. As much as I would hate to be the old fart who frowns at every change — for moral reasons (quite likely) or just because he feels left out — I will not either just sit uncritically and watch. In naturalness lies beauty and danger (yeah, the old fart rears his ugly head after all!) — that which glides effortlessly in meets with no resistance, no critique, no urge to overcome hurdles and take in more of the world.
It matters to distinguish between hyphens and dashes, because it has mattered enough to our predecessors to have felt meaningful to invest time and energy to provide for a distinction, and so it has shaped our society and the individuals in it, whether they know it or not; it is important to be aware of the source of our informations — we all know that Microsoft is evil, but what about google? Well, they say they’re not …


62 responses to “Every decent site has a blog”

  1. eyolf Avatar

    Oh, most certainly — how could I have forgotten that? But “have meaningful sex and use Firefox”? Much as I like that browser, I won’t recommend bringing it all the way into the love-making, unless you’re into foxy stuff.
    To the rest of you: meet my glitter girl, aka press secretary PH — she gives good advice.

  2. Reindeer Soldier Avatar
    Reindeer Soldier

    Since this blog entry has effectively become the new guestbook/anything submission page, I just want to say “Yeah Right”. I was among those who wanted the Desolation Row tab, but. . . but. . . I only wanted the “solo”. Never in ten-thousand years did I _ever_ expect you to tab _all eleven-and-a-half minutes._. Good gravy, man, that’s dedication. My sincerest gratitude.

    P.S.: I’m learning music theory from your “help” section. It’s like learning to read. I don’t know how I got on without it before. My sincerest, etc.

  3. eyolf Avatar

    Oh… damn… In that case, I’ll just delete the rest of it, after the first intro, right? :-)

    My initial plan was to just do the first verse, but then I figured “what the heck…”. Besides, it’s actually quite interesting to see it all — it’s like a catalogue of “things to do with a simple C-G-F-C chord structure”; to see the licks that recur, how they change, what does not change, and everything done mostly improvised
    Anyway, I’m sincerely, really glad to hear that my help section is of genuine help.

  4. Chris Avatar

    In responce to guybrush… I have been searching as well for “baby let me follow you down” from the last waltz for some time. That version is so disapointing because the chords are so powerful they only leave you wanting more. Like many of Dylans songs the verses could/should go on for more than two. Please let me know if anyone has insight on the chords for this track. RED1777@yahoo.com

  5. Chris Hennessy Avatar
    Chris Hennessy

    In responce to Guybrush.. I too have been searching endlessly for insight on “baby let me follow you down” from the last waltz. Like many of Dylans songs – it deserves more than just a few verses. That live track is so powerful – but leaves you disapointed without the complete verses. Please let me know if anyone has any info on this.

  6. Whose Hero? Avatar
    Whose Hero?

    for anyone intersted in Ryan Adams, here is an amazing tab site devoted to him http://www.iseemonsters.tk

  7. andyx Avatar

    Hey! that was an interesting link hero, just what I was looking for.


  8. Reindeer Soldier Avatar
    Reindeer Soldier

    Wedding Song is the song of the day? . . .

    Are you going on a world tour, Eyolf, to fight blue “e”-vil and promote love and justice and Bob Dylan? Did you meet Robbie Robertson? Are you turning 73?

    Whatever the significance, my deepest congratulations.

  9. eyolf Avatar

    It’s more obvious and literal than that.

  10. Reindeer Soldier Avatar
    Reindeer Soldier

    Is matrimony clouding your sense of nonsense, dear Eyolf? All but the last line of my comment was in jest. My deepest, most _serious_ congratulations and best wishes!

  11. Adam Avatar

    I am finding it hard to follow the board!!! Has anyone got the tab for ‘In My Time of Dyin’? (in my opinion THE great Dylan number) I have made some feeble attempts to tab this, but really no joy so far. Best wishes!

  12. Paul Cole Avatar

    Hi. Just letting you know that I enjoyed your site. House cancels hearings on Katrina: http://www.pardonmyenglish.com/archives/2005/09/the_state_of_bi.html , All the artist knew one another

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