- A Revised Keyboard Layout for Musescore
- Far min i Huizingastraat
- What Is Hard and What Is Not – “Don’t Think Twice” revisited
- Reno erat Rudolphus, Notre Dame style
- Lex Østrem
- Dylan and the Dominant
- Black Rider – Dylan’s most complex song ever
- “False Prophet” vs. “If Lovin’ is Believin’” – Greedy Plagiarism or Lovin’ Recycling?
- Murder Most Foul (2020) – An American Litany
- Timeless (1963)
- Et glemt vers som forandrer det hele
- Ritualets grenser – Ritualbegrepets nytte og skade
- Den sande fiktion
- Mykle-reaksjoner i Firda Folkeblad anno 1957
- Da løgnen kom inn i norsk politikk
- Some more about Rudolphus
- Reno erat Rudolphus
- En strategi om religion og fornuft
- “This Machine . . . “
- “What’s good is bad, what’s bad is good”: What I failed to mention about Another Self Portrait
- Another Self Portrait — a review in sonata form
- The Obligatory “Another Self Portrait — First Reactions” post
- Another Self Portrait
- My Fault (a punk song)
- Another “Best game ever” — so far
- Would you pay for tabs?
- It Ain’t Me, Babe meets the Devil (on a bad day)
- Jokerman
- 17. mai-tale i Balestrand, 1983
- Sommersamtale med Knausgård
- Why ABB Shouldn’t Be Roasted Over a Slow-Burning Fire
- A Monument of Civilization?
- Guitar in Two Weeks, day 13: Open Tuning
- “I Stole A Song”
- Last Words on Dignity (the song, that is)
- Ooops, I did it again (… and I like it!)
- Possibly My Best Game of Chess
- Four Simple Facts
- Bliss, understanding, and power
- Can Anything Good Come From North Carolina?
- The Brazil Series
- “Why don’t you also block …?”
- Anti-Hamas
- Cultural Boycott – some reflections
- Neighbourhood Bully indeed
- St Stallman: A Hero of the Highest Order
- Guitar in Two Weeks, day 12: Chords, chords, chords
- Guitar in Two Weeks, day 11: Fingerpicking II
- Between lessons: In case you need some inspiration
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, day 10: Fingerpicking I
- Lessons: update
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 9: D major redeemed (dropped tunings)
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 8: Strumming My Gay Guitar
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 7: Barre chords
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 6: Chords and Overtones
- Unluck…
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 5: All Strings Are Not Created Equal
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 4: Tablature and Rhythm
- “The Learned Helplessness of Windows”
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 3: More Chords — seventh and minor
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks, Day 2: First songs, first theory
- Learn to Play the Guitar in Two Weeks (and Impress Your Girlfriend)
- Christmas in the Heart (2009)
- Saved (1980)
- Someone Please Fire Jack Frost
- Baby Blue: Bob Dylan’s songs Reinterpreted
- How to Die with a Clean Grave (aka Ten Blessed Minutes in Hell With Your Host Lou Reed)
- “The Bob Dylan link Eyolf Østrem does not want you to read or see”
- Swamps and passports: what it all means
- World Gone Wrong — A Body in Sound
- Church of Bob
- “Say Only That Which You Have Figured Out Yourself”
- Good Links: Theme Time Radio and Tell Tale Signs
- Can’t Wait
- Things Twice, the book — now in html
- A Writer’s Wishlist
- A quick note on Tell Tale Signs
- Confessions of a Class Traitor
- Dylan At His Very Best
- Correction
- The Uneven Heart — Bob Dylan The Musician
- A letter from César Díaz
- One Laptop Per Child
- Adam in Bama
- KDE help — give me a break!
- Art is ugly
- Browser stats, day #3
- Luciano
- A Norwegian Bestseller
- A New Home
- Modern times in Copenhagen
- LaTeX vs. Word vs. Writer
- Dylan the Postmodernist?
- Dylan dazzles, but . . .
- The many ways of stealing
- It’s Modern to Steal
- Identity, sortof
- Things Twice – The Book
- Ninety miles . . .
- Theme Time