Neighbourhood Bully indeed

I’m too enraged to write anything coherent, but beginning yesterday, I’m running my own private boycott of the state of Israel and anything/-one associated with it, and I urge everyone to do the same.

A fascist, belligerent regime is not justifiable by any past, no matter how cruel and injust it has been. A rotten childhood does not justify being an asshole.

At the same time, I lament my own belated reaction: why is it that Israel may kill thousands of semi-dark-skinned Achmeds and Muhammeds without anyone raising a brow, but when a couple of Swedish authors are drawn physically into the firing line, the world gets on its feet?

It’s sickening.

Update: When news of the cultural boycott was publicized on an Israeli news site, the comment section virtually exploded. I decided that it was probably a good idea to turn off automatic publication of comments. I’ve now gone through the whole thing, and decided to let it all through. It’s not pretty, but quite interesting.

One correction of terminology: In one of the comments, I refer to the soldiers who boarded the Flotilla as “pirates”. I’ve learned that piracy is not the correct term, since that only applies to civilians acting on their own behalf. Since this was a nation’s armed forces, who acted on behalf of their country, the correct term is “an illegal act of war”. Changing the terminology may change the associations the words bring with them, but it does not change the contents of the statement.


180 responses to “Neighbourhood Bully indeed”

  1. IDF Avatar

    We will find you soon…

  2. Jonathan Avatar

    You are so ignorant its actually a joke. You are not even worth the argument.

  3. Israeli Avatar

    Your a fool, motivated by mass media, lied to by your own government, and Arab cock muncher. I hope that Bob Dylan law suit against your site would prove to be right.

  4. Israeli Avatar

    ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??????. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ????, ?????? ???? ??? ????? ?YNET.


  5. name Avatar

    if you please watch the following vidoes before judging it would be great, thank you.

  6. Amir Avatar

    Neighborhood Bully
    Well, the neighborhood bully, he’s just one man
    His enemies say he’s on their land
    They got him outnumbered about a million to one
    He got no place to escape to, no place to run
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    The neighborhood bully just lives to survive
    He’s criticized and condemned for being alive
    He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to have thick skin
    He’s supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land
    He’s wandered the earth an exiled man
    Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn
    He’s always on trial for just being born
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized
    Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
    Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad
    The bombs were meant for him. He was supposed to feel bad
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
    That he’ll live by the rules that the world makes for him
    ’Cause there’s a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
    And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    He got no allies to really speak of
    What he gets he must pay for, he don’t get it out of love
    He buys obsolete weapons and he won’t be denied
    But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    Well, he’s surrounded by pacifists who all want peace
    They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease
    Now, they wouldn’t hurt a fly. To hurt one they would weep
    They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    Every empire that’s enslaved him is gone
    Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon
    He’s made a garden of paradise in the desert sand
    In bed with nobody, under no one’s command
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    Now his holiest books have been trampled upon
    No contract he signed was worth what it was written on
    He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth
    Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    What’s anybody indebted to him for?
    Nothin’, they say. He just likes to cause war
    Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed
    They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed
    He’s the neighborhood bully

    What has he done to wear so many scars?
    Does he change the course of rivers? Does he pollute the moon and stars?
    Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill
    Running out the clock, time standing still
    Neighborhood bully

  7. Mark C Avatar
    Mark C

    I read in some of the responses you claim that Israelis killed thousands of people, Where? I know some drugs are prevalent in your lands as much as anti-Semitism is prevalent in Europe now and always. Now Read and learn:

    There are several instances of contemporary (post-UN Charter of the Law of the Seas) practices of blockades, e.g. in the Vietnam and in the Gulf War.

    The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflict which states, “Merchant vessels believed on reasonable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be captured. Merchant vessels which, after prior warning, clearly resist capture may be attacked.”

  8. Amir Avatar

    Dear Israeli


    does not help to explain anything about our prespective. It is just an angry and ugly response. I know what you are feeling about the way the world portray us these days, I feel it too. But this does not help, please appologize.

  9. Moshe Avatar

    Guys, please don’t flood his blog. He lets us express ourselves, and that’s 90% much better than other places.
    Let’s give him the truth one by one. If he chooses to ignore it, there’s nothing that we can do. Ignore the media and give him pure historic and current facts. It hurts more than any media manipulation.

  10. Alon Avatar

    Learn the facts first, boycot later. Ignorance is indeed one of the greater threats to humanism.

  11. Kampf Avatar

    I invite you to live under a Hamas or any other Muslim “government” for a week.
    I don’t think you will make it alive. For a Dr. i thought you had some sense and that you actually read and know history. I hope all your neighbors will be Arabs, and that you will get a good look at they “culture”. Dare i say, you have no place in their world if you don’t praise Alla every second of your day.
    And now let me finish by saying you are a complete moron, I hope they don’t let you teach classes you ignorant fool, go and watch some more television.
    What should i expect from a guy with a diploma in being a no good hippie.

  12. Tom Avatar

    You have created quite a small stir here:) congrats…
    It is however unfortunate that after reading your original post on the subject, I have the feeling that you have no real comprehension of the situation (and I even suspect of Dylan’s lyrics) and the subtleties of the region escape your perception.

    I live in Israel, I have lived in so many places worldwide (a musician’s life;) and trust me, I hope that Israel will be smart and patient enough that eventually the truth will prevail. I have Arab friends here who are amazed by how easily the world in manipulated.

    I will leave you with a couple of quotes

    When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds.
    Will Rogers

    All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance.
    Will Rogers

    and let me be brave enough to end it with :

    Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
    Dalai Lama

  13. Assaf Avatar

    For the record, Israel does not kills thousands or even dozens of Gazans. Instead they supply them weekly with 15,000 tons of food, water and electric power. That goes for the West Bank too, that does not have any blockade, because, unlike Gaza, it is not ruled by Hamas, a terrorist regime that sent hundreds of suicide bombers and thousands of rockets raining down on Israel. The flotilla members of the one boat where everything went wrong did attack the soldiers and the end was bad for all and is unfortunate. But punishing Israelis who like Dylan chords by blocking them is not the way to go. Express your opinion and let all in in the spirit of harmony and of Dylan’s music.

  14. Sagi Avatar

    I disagree,I am proud to say i am from Israel and I recommend you learn the facts before you speak,we do not justify our actions by our past,every thing we do, we do out of self defence.I suggest you get your facts and deside for your self and not listen to some idiot terrorist.I don’t need your damn site.

  15. Emma Avatar

    Are you for real? UK and the US are killing for oil not because of Israeli. Do you know anything about Islam? it is evil religion that preach for killing non Islamic people , discriminate against women, guys and lesbian. I would like to know why you don’t block the people of Iran and where you can find any democratic country that is Islamic. I hope that in a few years from now Scandinavia will be Islamic republic , your women will have to cover all body , Alcohol will be banned and lashing , killing and cutting hands will be part of the laws ; like in Saudi Arabia…
    dude, you are either hypocrite or just stupid (or both).
    Do you know that Turkey conquer part of Cyprus and they don’t give rights to the Kurdish People and kill them? why don’t you block Turkish?

  16. Rafi B. Avatar
    Rafi B.

    Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality:
    5.1.2(3) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search, capture or diversion.

  17. Knowledge Avatar

    just take a look in this link
    he is not an israeli guy
    and it borodcast by fox in us
    i think you’ll be shocked as i’m
    after wathcing this video and the following 4 episodes

    btw have a lovely day

  18. Joe Avatar

    1.Let’s put some facts, Most of the immigrant Community in scandinavia are unemployed, and descriminated because of their Origin.
    2. Gay People in palestein are executed and prosecuted.
    3. Chritian People are being harrest by the Muslim palestinien.
    4. Today in the German newspaper à school were boomed 14 died and More then 40 injured. Are you going to boycott the US viewers.
    We European are hypocrate when it comes to Israel.

  19. Roi Avatar

    “Dear” eyolf… As a PHD (I hold a great amount of respect for this title…)
    Please consider the following…

    If you can some up your opinion in one sentence, it not realy an opinion.

    (You’r not the only one with mirors ya know…)

  20. Assaf Avatar

    Emma, Joe, I am glad there are educated people like you out there who can speak their minds.

  21. Mr. Brilliant Avatar
    Mr. Brilliant

    Did you boycott North Korea for torpedoing a S. Korean cruiser?
    Did you boycott Sudan for the massacres in Darfur (600 dead alone, last May)?
    Did you boycott Turkey for killing kurds, some across the border, in Iraq (200 dead alone since this year started)? How about the Armenian jenocide?
    How about Congo? Nigeria? Sierra Leon?
    Did you boycott Syria for killing 7000-40000 Palestinians in Hama (1982)? Their current leader is the son of the president who gave that order.
    Did you boycott Jordan for killing over 3000 Palestinians in 1970? Their current leader is the son of the king who gave that order.
    How about Iran? did you boycott them for trashing the latest elections?

    You’re as hypocrite as you’re ignorant.

  22. Your Mother Avatar
    Your Mother

    Well, it is not surprising that a freaking musicologist would buy into all this propaganda. A musicologist is on who is:

    A. Not talented enough to be a performer.
    B. Not creative enough to be a composer.
    C. Not intellectually capable of being a theorist.
    D. Too spoiled and lazy to seek a real profession, and therefore has time to sit in his parents’ basement and judge people who are fighting for their lives.

    According to people like this asshole, the is NOTHING that Israel can do to defend itself without it being a war crime. Anything Israel does is immediately equated to Nazi Germany. According to you, Israel should allow a free flow of missiles into Gaza – missiles that would be directed at Israeli civilians, including women and children, but I guess Yossis and Rafis are a legitimate target, while Muchamads and Achmeds are victims of cruel racism. According to you, Israel should allow the people who openly site the destruction of Israel as their main goal, the freedom to pursue their “non-racist” goal (because how can “semi-brown” people be racist?…). Well, if what you are suggesting is for us to let ourselves and our family die just to live up to your twisted moral expectations, expectations I am sure you would never live up to if it was your home that’s under attack, the only thing left to say is FUCK YOU and I hope you keep living your pathetic life in your parents’ basement.

  23. Erez Avatar

    Dear eyolf

    Thanks for paying your attention to the region.

    this letter is not cynical in any way.

    the Palestinians do suffer. there’s no doubt in that.
    no one in Israel wants to see them that way. the hard language here is because people in israel are afraid to loose their home just because the world have a sudden sense of justice without knowing all the facts from close.

    you do know a lot of true facts, like how much aid the Palestinians are getting according to the UN. but the situation here is a lot more complicated then the media at your country can explain or have the time to, so they deliver only the simple stuff = strong against week, David against Goliath, the popular news.

    did you know that hamas fired from within schools in the “casting led” operation. it’s not an assumption. did you know what the operation was for?

    did you know that most of the Palestinians danced in the streets on 9/11?

    we cant apologize for being strong eyolf.
    and on the other hand. the Israeli government is not free from mistakes.

    israel is a democracy with many Dilan fans. we are an open society and like most western countries have gay parades number of times a year unlike our Arab neighbors who prefer to hang them.

    you have my email. i will be more than glad to make a calm discussion about the more than very complicated situation here.

    Hope you’ll get this through all the angry comments here.

  24. Amir Avatar

    Eyolf shalom,

    Dylan is a zionist jew, just like me. You should boycott him too.

  25. yaniv Avatar

    I really appreciate your morality and acts for human rights.
    Just let me ask you some questions. As the manager of this so important site, why are’nt you boycotting the visitors of Turkey due to the murder and oppression of the Kurds? Why don’tt you resent against the oppression of women in Iran? Just 2 weeks ago 100 people were killed in Pakistan on a political background, doesn’t it bother you? North Korea fired a torpedo on a ship from South Korea and murdered dozens of people, where were you? can North Koreans still play the chords of Lay lady Lay?

    I have plenty more examples, but I know it’s not going to convince you. Your hatred for Israel is simply from other motives, not facts. Anti-Semitism. Under the disguise of human rights you collaborate with religious extremists and terrorist organizations like Iran, as long as the Jews are the common enemy. Arabs do not care about the killing of Arabs. They kill themselves a lot more. The only care about what the Jew does.

    If you’re really care about human rights, block your site to the Chinese, Pakistanis, Iranians, Afghans.. and also the Israelis. Then ww will argue about whether Israel is violating human rights or not. If you are running only against Israelis – you are just a racist and an anti-Semite.

  26. Roy Avatar

    So much hypocrisy!
    Would you consider blocking users from the US or England because of their actions in Iraq and Afghanistan? of course not, you will probably find yourself without any traffic right away. It’s so easy to sit in your comfortable and safe house and take this useless actions, motivated by lies just to fill good about yourself. So pathetic!
    Have you done any research before accusing Israel in killing of “thousands of semi-dark-skinned Achmeds and Muhammeds “? why bother? what do we need the truth for anyway?

  27. Moti Avatar

    I think mr. Eyolf has abandoned this debate some time ago. But I’ll go ahead anyway.
    I’m from Israel, and you should know that the great majority of Israelis long for peace in the entire region. It’s like a fantasy.

    Tourism will flourish, economy will blossom and there will be no more death.

    The dream of every Israeli is to somehow solve our problems and start living peacefully. But we’ll probably never see that happen. It’s a tragedy.

    Most arab countries deny our existance.
    Hammas declares in its open manifest that their ultimate goal is to destroy Israel.
    Extremists and Fanats spread hate against Israel and the West everywhere.
    And it’s all getting worse every day.

    What can we do? We just try to survive. The middle east isn’t your comfy and peaceful Europe. It’s a fight to survive every day, with the Hamas on one side, Hizbullah and Syria on the other, and enough hate to fuel a space station.

    I really think you just have no idea of what’s going on around here. Come for a visit. Visit Israel and visit Gaza. Then make up your mind ;)

  28. alon Avatar

    I can’t wait for Europe to have a Muslim majority! They will probably burn Dylan’s writings and rape blonde women when that happens. lol :)

  29. Israeli Avatar

    See the facts before poiting fingers.. Hitler said WWII was driven by the jews.. We are peacefull, we want to live in Peace and Harmony with the world.. how many friends the Palestinians have? how many actually care about Bob Dylan? please know your facts.. don’t tell us you hate Israel becuase of the “free Gaza” incident..
    Thank you

  30. jason Avatar

    mr ‘smart’
    Bob dillen would be ashamed of you if he knew what you just did. You let cheap politics and your private bitterness, to ruin this site’s professionality.
    Since Israel is doing nothing wrong, it fighting for its life. What about Darfoor? Tybet? Armenians murder by the turkes? and the list kis endless. Why do you only mention Israel while the world is full of hate crimes and violence? Israel is the only country in the middle east where gay and lesbians can live freely. did you even know that????
    I strongly suggest that you look at the facts and study some history before you make stuiped comments. See exactly how the situation there has started, and help thinking of solutions instead of being hateful. Hate is not of Dillon’s legency.
    Good luck with your bitterness!!
    Jason, San Francisco

  31. araara Avatar

    Doesn’t Boycotting or blockading an entire nation in order to pressure them to change their government is in essence exactly what’s wrong with Israel policy toward the Gazans ?
    Seems like you do exactly what u preach others no to do.

  32. Ami Avatar

    Did you even see your “peace activists” on video? The one where they hit Israeli soldiers? The one where they say “Go back to Auschwitz” to the soldier that asks them to stop on the radio? How about the one where one “peace activist” says that that he wants to be a “Shahid” in this trip, because he tried two times in the past to die while killing Israelis with no success, and this time, with help from Allah, he hopes to succeed?

    We’ll, I guess ones an anti-semi always an anti-semi. Anyway, here are some links to have a quick glace at the truth before you go back to celebrate in the hate festival that is taking place right now…

    “Well, he’s surrounded by pacifists who all want peace
    They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease
    Now, they wouldn’t hurt a fly. To hurt one they would weep
    They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep
    He’s the neighborhood bully”

    What would Bob Dylan think about you stealing his songs and using your site to discriminate Israelis (he wrote this song to support Israel)?

    I hope you and your hypocrite friends will be also locked in Gaza.

  33. Avner Avatar

    Allow me to strongly disagree with your Israel Boycott and Comments.

    First in Regard to Flotilla, this was not a peaceful activity, it was meant to create a provocation and was very successful at that. Israel( and Egypt) have a blockade around Gaza to prevent the Hamas from Smuggling weapons to the Gaza strip which were used just last year to fire over 3000 rocket to Israeli cities and on Israeli citizens. Hamas is not a peaceful organization, it is a terror organization which is funded by Iran. By lifting the blockade from Gaza not only Israel will be exposed, but whole Europe too because Iran will have a base on the Mediterranean which ability to launch rockets and Missiles to Europe too. The Hamas is in in conflict not only with Israel but with the Palestinian too authority and killed in Gaza over the last few years thousands of the Palestinians authority supporters.

    Israel offered flotilla to sail to an Israeli port north of Gaza, where its cargo will be unloaded and check and then it will be transferred to Gaza. Flotilla and its passengers refused. If the purpose of this trip was to help Gaza they should have accepted this offer, But no these so called peace activist wanted something more, something terrible.

    The Israel soldiers tried to peacefully divert the ship to an Israeli port… but instead they were brutally attacked by terror activists on board the flotilla ship, Some of the Israeli soldiers are severely wounded.

    I’m very sorry that people died on board this ship, however after the Israeli soldiers were attacked they had no other option but to defend themselves and my feeling is that the people onboard that ship wanted these results to create the impact they wanted

    Israel and its citizens want peace. I’m not sure where from the claim that Israel kills thousands of people was taken. However, I can with 100% certainty tell that the writer doesn’t know Israel, doesn’t know Israelis and doesn’t know their values.

    Israelis don’t kill innocent people PERIOD. However, while trying to protect yourself accidents happen and sometime innocent people from both sides are getting hurt.

    Israel and its people want peace more than anything else, however one need to remember that Israel doesn’t not ‘live’ among friendly neighboring countries, but countries that threatened for many years to throw Israel and its citizens into the water. The only way Israel would be able to achieve peace is by having a strong army that will be able to protect it against those who do not agree with Israel right to exist like Hamas and Iran.

  34. Ilan Avatar

    Before I begin my comment, i just want to say I am an Israeli who lives outside of Israel and I did my mandatory service in the Israeli army.

    A few things I would like to note. As much as you don’t agree with the state of Israel and it’s current behavior, a boycott is exactly the kind of action that will harm your cause, that is bringing peace to the area. If you lived in Israel you will know that this is one of the most diverse countries in the world, and there is a strong and loud opposition inside Israel to the current government.

    what do you do when you perform a boycotts on Israelis? you do exactly what you preach against – a collective punishment to all Israelis. that only makes Israelis feels that everyone is against them no matter what they think, do or say.

    Now for some other views that are being echoed in your blog and in some of the comments:
    I have a lot of criticism for many of my government’s actions. But things are much more complex than some of you like to present. It is not a case of good vs bad, it is a case of years of mistrust, mutual fear, and a unique problematic demographic and geo political situation that brought the area to to this dead end.

    The collapse of the peace process isn’t only Israel fault. And please bare in mind that in Gaza there is a government, backed by Iran, who doesn’t even recognize Israel’s right to exist. It is a government that treated their own oposition in a much more barbaric violent way than any of the Israeli action. Abu Mazen, the Palestinian president is not working with them, and is supporting behind the scene the continuation of the blockade, since he understand that if Hamas government will gain recognition and legitimacy the moderate palestenians will suffer a deadly blow.

    You did have a point about the “childhood” of the jewish people and its experience in the holocaust. Israeli and Israel have a security complex. It is much like a post traumatic person. We are afraid. I know it is hard for you guys to understand, you say – Israel has tanks, ariplans, big army. But Israel also never had a year of peace since its establishment, and was never been accepted as an existing fact by its neighbors. We gave Egypt all the land that was in dispute, a territory bigger than the all state of Israel, but still, if myself as an Israeli will go to Egypt, I will probably get killed there. And this is told to me by Egyptian friends of mine who lives and work with me.

    About the Israeli army –
    I served in this army. I will not start with all the slogans – “we are the most moral army in the world” etc… I will tell you only this, the Israeli army uses much more human methods than any of the NATO Forces in Iraq or Afghanistan. As a former Israeli soldier I can tell you that the situation is fucked up and not the soldiers.

    We are not better, but not worse than any other western country. The only difference is that we are still engaged in a fight for our right to exist.

    Will be happy to exchanged views with any one in a civilized manner.

    May peace will come to our region in our life time,

  35. Rachel Avatar

    Mr Eyolf,

    Palestinians should live free, happy good life – i believe we agree on that.

    now please answer these if you can:

    1. did you feel pain when Hamas throw thousand of misels on Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod?

    2. were you sorry when isreli kndergardens were bombed? hospitals were bombed? when israeli civilianes died? lived in fear for years from any litle noise? couldnt sleep at night being scared that they will hear the noise of the bomb coming again? for years . . .

    Mr Eyolf – WE LEFT GAZA YERAS AGO AND LEFT IT TO THE PALESTINIANS – we wantd peace insted we recieved thousands of Bombs on Israli civilians – did you know that and more important – do you care?? you sound like an intelignt humanitian person. do you care about jewish children the same as the plestinians children? I do. maybe it is because i am Jewish and a woman i feel pain wheni hear palestininas children died. I dont celebrate like the palestinians do.

    Do you care about JEWISH life also?

    My Eyolf – we are more than 3000 years old. we saw everything. your behaviour is not new to us . same energy differnt people.

    AND TO MY JEWISH BROTHERS AND SISTERS LIVING IN THEWORLD – It is time to come back home to israel. the story is over for us here.

    Mr Eyolf, i wish you all the best. god bless you and your family. may you always live in peace.

  36. shooshooki Avatar

    question, did you even comprehend the lyrics of the Neighborhood Bully?

    inconvenient facts:

    *In 1921 75% of the PALESTINIAN MANDATE was given to some saudi arabian roylaty in gratitude for their loyalty, and renamed JORDAN. 70% of people in jordan are palestinian by the way. how come you never hear people claiming JORDAN as PALESTINE, but only the territories infidel jews have sovereignty over?
    [hint: black september where the hashemite king jordan butchered more palestinian in one month than in 50 years of conflict b/w israel and all of its arab neighbors]

    conclusion: BAN JORDAN

    * The neutral UN has tailored a unique and very lax definition for what is a palestinian refugee. Unlike the other world refugees, to be considered a palestinian (refugee) you have had to live in the palestinian mandate only TWO years…a mere 2 years prior to 1948. I repeat, this lax definition is unique only to the PALESTINIAN refugee,no other refugees in this world have this lax definition.

    question: since when does indigenous = living 2 years in a place?

    *Nearly 1/3 of the United Nations resolutions concern or condemn Israel. Any world organization dedicating 33% of its attention to 1 member of the 190 member is biased BY ANY STANDARD.

    you might argue: why, Israel! that fascist state! It’s the worst in the world! Killed the most people in the world!

    wrong again. compared to other (lengthy and non-lengthy) conflicts in the world the israeli-ARAB conflict claimed significantly less lives. not good with numbers? Here I’ll remind you: Iran-Iraq war (1 mil) Congo (over 1 mil) Darfur (over 1 mil) Russia-Checnya (several hundred thousands), current iraq/afghanistan war (god knows)

    you might argue: this is not about deaths! its about the immoral occupation!!

    well that happens in the world too: Turkey/Iran/Iraq occupying a nation of 25-35 million kurds, who unlike the palestinians actually have a history of being a state, have their own language and very distinct culture. what not enough? OK, turkey again, this time with Northern Cyprus, whereas in the past decade only it has sent the cypriots over 50,000 turkish settlers. BTW turks are the only peeps in the world to recognize their turkish settlement in cyprus as a state. A few more may include, CHINA (tibet) Iran (azerbaijan) UK (folk islands near argentina)

    conclusion: BAN IRAN, TURKEY^4 (iraq war, kurds, cyprus, armenian genocide), USA, UK, CHINA, RUSSIA,CONGO, SUDAN.

    * 5 years ago Israel has ethnically cleansed thousands of Jews from Gaza in what is also known as the DISENGAGMENT in order to virtually end all claims of occupation in Gaza. the world promised it it will have the right to retalliate to any belligerence. well you know what? the world lied. The naval/air blockade wasnt there 5 years ago, it was placed 3 years ago, while mind you they receive gas, electricity, water, 100 trucks load of humanitarian aid from israel/day all for FREE (unless you consider 10,000 rockets a formof payment, which i suspect you do.)

    well…you might still claim: the death ratio…it’s improportional!

    some questions:
    if the same number of israelis died, would that make us more justified? Israel should not be penalized for being proactive about the safety of its citizens by building shelters and installing an alarm system for its citizens. Do not grant credit to hamas for the low casualty count, as their rockets are lethal alright. the low casualty count can be credited to Israeli proactiveness and responsibility towards their safety.

    also, if hamas really cared about the palestinians they would:
    a. build bomb shelters for them instead of 500 tunnels for weapon smuggling. [granted theyll let them use those, instead of using them as human shields]
    b. LET THE AID THE “FREEDOM FLOTILLA” in because it’s piling on our end of theborder, and the palestinians are STARVING FOR IT!! (even though they are the largest recipients of charity in teh world,have more wealth/capita than india and EGYPT)

    overall conclusion: you are a hypocrite.

    most important quesion: why?

  37. Niseg Avatar

    I suggest you don’t bother discussing politics . I joined a discussion on the topic about that topic and I already regret it. People are jumping right and left throwing all sorts of claims without knowing what’s really going on in Israel.

    All the government of Israel is trying to do is save lives and preserve life. The fact it faces enemies who don’t value life truth or tolerance makes it very hard. Unfortunately we live in a simple world where people only look at the results rather than the causes. The funny thing is that if Israel didn’t stop that boat it would have broken international law related to having a legal blockade which Israel follow to the letter.

    Good job in promoting your site prepare for at least 100000 hits.

  38. Emily Avatar

    Dear Eyolf,
    (who probably left the building a while back but I’m gonna try anyway):
    There’s no doubt that the people of Gaza are poor, miserable, hopeless, futureless. Their condition is heartbreaking, especially when compared to their brothers on the West Bank. But that shouldn’t stand in your way of getting the facts straight and maybe hit some history books while you’re at it (AND international law books). Don’t be so ignorant, it doesn’t become your degree.

  39. EM!! Avatar

    Here guys, maybe this post will show the unbiased truth:

    It’s the best one I found in English yet…

  40. Mosh Avatar

    You are an idiot
    you are not antisemic, racist, terror supporter or evil of any kind. you are simply an idiot.
    you discussing with such confidence matters

  41. mosh Avatar

    which you know nothing about and that makes you look like the idiot that you are
    If the US army had used the methods used by the IDF in his ar against terror’ many civilians lives would have been saved
    hey wait I? have another item for you?
    did you notice us policemen carry arms legaly with tax payers funds while criminals have to buy these paying their own money?? how do you expect the criminals the criminals to fight fairly??
    It’s sickening me that US govenment!!! they are so evil!!
    and wait I got another one did you ever notice these damn hospitals!!! do you have any idas how many people die in hospitals Oh god howcome the us legal system dont arrest all these damn doctors and nurses. wait not arrest lethal injection I say evil butchers!! they sicken me oh god!

    sorry for the sarcasm but this post made me laugh

    you truly have the facts interprated like a six or a seven year old
    no ofense but don’t take math or med as a major in college…

    Peace all

  42. Ronen Avatar


    before i start to write mybe ‘ u will become me(why not i am israel proud in my U/
    in the west we or i should write U u have the tourks most lovlley pepole ( but now we not sure).
    in the east we have the palestine pepole thay do ntot want a peace u can check .

    in the north we have the hizbulla and the lebanon and suria .

    and in the south we have gaza.( god help us)


  43. Ronen Avatar

    some one

  44. Dani Avatar

    I wanted to write something nice but after doing some searching on this guy
    I found this:
    “deaths of Palestinian children by insisting that their blood ‘was taken to be kneaded into the dough by extremist Jews to be used in …”

    Book edited by MR Eyolf who is probably an anti-Semite,I feel sorry for you Eylof:

    Read it yourself:

  45. Nir Avatar

    So if im a 16 years old israeli (i could be arab, christian, druze or jewish) without a political agenda, i should be boyocated because some fucking moron from europe who dosent seem to give a fuck about the 650 civilians who were murdered in sudan by muslims in the past 2 weeks, feels bad about some turks?

    Fuck u and anyone who thinks like you. In the past 62 years only 132,000 arabs died in wars with israel ( the only nation on earth that it’s pure existance is threatened by other countries). In the same 62 years more then 180 million civilians dided in conflicts around the world. Alot of those were by fucking europian assholes such as the owner of this blog.

    So 132,000 arabs (only 14,000 of them were palastinians, in 62 years !!!) are way more important then 180 millions?

    What did u do gor the 1.5 million muslims who were brutaly murdered in the past 8 years in sudan ( your fucking pathetic country support their regim), while 4200 died in gaza at the same time?
    1.5 million, or 4200 ??

    Go fuck yourself. I shall pray to my god (who kept my people alive for more then 3500 years, even though fucking idiots such as yourself tried to get rid of us) to give you cancer.

    U and your fucking mom who brought a demon such as yourself into this world.

    He usually listens

  46. Bully Avatar

    Neighborhood Bully – a song by Bob Dylan

    Written years ago, but sadly it seems as if it was written this week. Looks like you don’t know the song too well, so let’s go over the lyrics.

    “He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to have thick skin […]
    Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized”

    I guess this is the lynch mob he’s talking about, the terrorists on the ship, awaiting soldiers with knives, axes and metal bars

    “Old women condemned him, said he could apologize”

    One of these old women, I guess, is Helen Thomas, who called the flotilla clash “a massacre” and then went on in another vid and said the jews should be sent “back to Germany and Polland” where they were massacred by the millions.

    “He’s always on trial for just being born”

    The UN condemned “Israeli violence” right after the incident, without knowing the facts, and demanded an international investigation with pre-determined findings.

    “there’s a noose at his neck and a gun at his back”

    That must refer to what the “peace activists” did to the soldiers on the ship, as this picture shows, published in a Turkish newspaper

    “Well, he got no allies to really speak of”

    We saw how Turkey, “Israel’s ally” backstabbed Israel. Here is victorious Turkish PM Erdogan with Iran’s great dictator Ahmadinejad in a summit in Istanbul today

    And as our beloved artist Bob Dylan wrote in the verse before last:
    Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed!

  47. Bully Avatar

    Oh, and you should read the full lyrics yourself

  48. Simi Avatar

    Because no one is actually blocked from your site (many proxy services let anyone in) I can only assume you begged to express your opinion in a provocative way. You felt an urge to create an opportunity for yourself and for other visitors to discuss your noble and ever-so-fluent academic opinions about the conflict. All this while not experiencing the emotions and cognitive dissonances of either side, and while selectively acknowledging only some of the facts.

    I will say it directly: You are a typical ivory armchair critic, who has to enter IP addresses in order to get heard.

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