The Irony of commercialism

I have a spam filter on this blog. That’s one of the mixed blessings of blogging: once in a while I get bombed with comments like “Like your page, interesting comments” and then fifteen links to online casinos, phentermine, cialis and texas holdem. Most of them never see the light of day, thanks to efficient blocking.
The downside is that once in a while a legitimate post gets trapped too. Usually it’s transparent enough so that those comments end up in “purgatory” and I have to approve them manually (which is why some of you may have experienced a considerable delay before your comments appear on the site), but occasionally, they are sent to “spam hell”.

The irony is that one of the words that trigger this, is “free”.
Freedom’s just another word for something you can buy.

Sad, that’s what it is.


16 responses to “The Irony of commercialism”

  1. Miguel Ángel Pozuelo Díaz Avatar
    Miguel Ángel Pozuelo Díaz

    They say the best things in life are f r e e, except one…

    (What would Lennon say nowadays!?)

  2. tho Avatar

    last post on dec 19th? … where have you gone my blue eyed son?

  3. William Steeves Avatar
    William Steeves

    I guess if you tune into The View towards the end of the program and see the end result of some Emeril culinary creation and then post on the net your own version, your GULITY. I have bought MANY Dylan music books only to not have them in the correct key or tabbed wrong. Yet I come upon your sight and low and behold, correct tabbing….guess what happened next…I went out a bought the CD versions of the cassettes of Dylan I owned. Mmmmmmoney in Columbias pocket there as it rekindled my desire to pick my guitar. IT SUCKS that this is happening.

  4. austin Avatar

    hello- you probably don’t do requests like this but I was just wondering if you could send me the awesome tab you had for “Girl from the North Country” (freewheelin)… need to impress a girl and i just can’t figure it out. thanks alot.

  5. Jorge Antunes Avatar
    Jorge Antunes

    I signed the petition. I humbly think that these legislators are ignorant. They don´t have an idea of what rock music is, they ignore the specificity of it. They seem to ignore that it always has been a popular music, and that is only commercial, obviously if they want to sell some object. The interpretations of music, and tabs are really interpretations, do not steal any element of that physic object that carries the musical product. It is obvious that they are unfamiliar with the reality of all this. I somewhat unwillingly admit that there is some manoeuvre of commercialism. If that is so, probably the best thing to do is to be idealistic, and fight on.

    I would appreciate if you could send me the zip file.

  6. Andy Avatar

    What has happened to My Back Pages ?!?

  7. a Avatar



  8. paul Avatar

    I just wondered if you have actually sought permission from the copyright holder – is it Dylan? – to run your (excellent) site?

  9. Andy Avatar

    Paul, do you have a view on the relationship of copyright to My Back Pages ? Which btw seems not exist anymore.

  10. eyolf Avatar

    My Back Pages is the same site that just somehow was renamed dylanchords. I needed a domain name of my own, and was taken, so I went for dylanchords – fairly easy to remember, I figured, and fairly covering for what the site was about. I kept the old name about for a while, but I figured I’d keep it simple and remove one of them, and since the dylanchords name seemed to be what was mostly used, that’s the name that stayed.
    So in a sense I suppose you could say I’ve stolen everything on dylanchords from My Back Pages. :-)

  11. Harvey Avatar


    looks like all songs are gone ? what incredible culmination of work you did for all of us. I also signed petition as you have now approx 10K signatures. Not sure it matters as you said. I missed your point in don’t ask for a zipped file. Surely we can share this for f r e e and not upset these music mogels.

  12. Garo Avatar

    Hello Eoulf!! Please get in touch with me conserning the Dylan Festival to be held this summer in Sweden gerriew”at”


  13. Andy Avatar

    Please help me out here. When I try to access I get a blank page. Nothing !

    I’m actually suffering withdrawl from your site Eyolf:(

  14. Drew Avatar

    Hey, I like your site, it’s a shame about these greedy bastards getting all fussy about stupid things, but hopefully it’ll pass.

    Anyhow, I was reading through your pages about all the guitars Dylan used, and I saw the Fender Kingman ( Well, coincidentally, a day after I saw it, I found out that Fender is actually re-releasing the Kingman this year.

    Not really important, but thought it was kinda cool. Never-the-less, thanks for the site.

  15. roYbluE Avatar

    What a shame, I was working on the “Blood on the Tracks” songs yesterday and knew they were in open “E”. Had some luck with “Meet Me in The Morning”, I’m very familiar with the opens. Oh well, decided to try and find some help on the net. Alas, I seem to have hit your site a little bit to late. However, I have very much enjoyed my visit. You have a very nicely put together web experience.



  16. Gee Macg Avatar

    Would greatly appreciate if anyone could find it in their heart to send me the zip file. Regards Gee

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