Every decent site has a blog

. . . and so has mine. I have no clear idea what will go here, but a few unclear ones.
One: the “news” header of the main site has now tended to become more of a comments column, as the number of new tabs has diminished and my urge to communicate other things has increased. This is not necessarily wrong or bad, but rather an opportunity.
Another: I write quite a few mails in response to questions or remarks from people, with a character ranging from discussion of Dylan-oriented things to more general culturally oriented ramblings. I figured this would be a way to collect that, and also extend the communicability, and channel it, perhaps in a slightly different direction than the all-outs of the pool or r.m.d.
Three: “There are more important things in life than Dylan”. I said that, about a year ago. I intend for the range of topics to be taken up here to become wider than just Dylan and music. How about typography? Web design? Access databases? Knitting? (I kid you not)
Four: As a maintainer of a fairly well visited site in the world/space/culture that the Internet has become, I feel a growing responsibility towards/for this world/space/culture. “Towards” insofar as it consists of people, who spend large parts of their lives there. “For” insofar as I feel responsible for what I put out there, and for what I don’t. I watch with a mixture of a- and be-musement the obvious ease and naturalness with which my kids interact through the net. As much as I would hate to be the old fart who frowns at every change — for moral reasons (quite likely) or just because he feels left out — I will not either just sit uncritically and watch. In naturalness lies beauty and danger (yeah, the old fart rears his ugly head after all!) — that which glides effortlessly in meets with no resistance, no critique, no urge to overcome hurdles and take in more of the world.
It matters to distinguish between hyphens and dashes, because it has mattered enough to our predecessors to have felt meaningful to invest time and energy to provide for a distinction, and so it has shaped our society and the individuals in it, whether they know it or not; it is important to be aware of the source of our informations — we all know that Microsoft is evil, but what about google? Well, they say they’re not …


62 responses to “Every decent site has a blog”

  1. Jay Jay Jet  Plane Avatar




  2. John Wesley Harding Avatar
    John Wesley Harding

    I relly appreciate the time you have dedicated to this site

  3. Michael Bolton Avatar
    Michael Bolton

    Damn it feels good to be a gangsta…

  4. dylmanfan Avatar

    great site, i come here, click a random song and play it… thanks

  5. Cavalier Eternal Avatar
    Cavalier Eternal

    Hm, yeah quite right, but you shouldn’t stress that you’re old, so obstinatetly.
    Thanks very much, Dylan and Rumbleseat made me want to play Guitar, this Site taught me how. Check out Against Me!, they there were Dylan was forty years agogo.

  6. eyolf Avatar

    I’m not old :-)

  7. j jennings Avatar
    j jennings

    This is a wonderful site. One of my most favorites. Keep up the great work!

  8. Todd Avatar

    hey this is an awesome site. Dylan is the main reason of why i
    love music so much. Its funny im 18 and i own (so far) 28 of his

  9. TreeOfSmoke Avatar

    Can you tell me when the next real Dylan album is coming out?

  10. TreeOfSmoke Avatar

    Oh, and has anyone figured out the amazing guitar leads on M&A’s Down in the Flood?

    I would do it, but don’t know how

  11. A fellow scandinavian Avatar
    A fellow scandinavian

    A big, warm “thank you” from a fellow scandinavian!
    As a Dane I am proud to know that you, who has given the world so many wonderful Dylan-tabs, enjoy (hopefully) an everyday on danish soil…

    Tak for al dit arbejde! Thank you for the tabs – now I play can Dylan everyday!

  12. johnpelham Avatar

    2. Idle question: For those of us who can read music, or figure it out, but aren’t pianists—and now that Bob’s strictly a keyboardist— is there any chance you might transcribe some of the piano parts? (Black Crow Blues, Thin Man, etc.?) I assume that for pianists they’d be ridiculously simple and easy, which makes them ideal for us nonpianists who want to mess around.

    2. Those of us who constantly rely on this magnificent resource you’ve created should compensate you. How do we do that?

  13. Reindeer Soldier Avatar
    Reindeer Soldier

    Fantastic! I check this site about ten-thousand times a day to see if there are any updates. This’ll mean loads more to read. Your site has motivated me to become a better guitarist. I sincerely appreciate all the work you’ve done and look forward to reading your blog. Thanks!

  14. John Cullum Avatar
    John Cullum

    This site is Amazing and so is Dylan. Thanks very much for providing such
    a huge wealth of knowledge and entertainment that we can all use.

  15. Naked and freezing Avatar
    Naked and freezing

    I spend way too much time here soaking in all your wisdom, my guitar skills were comparable to a train crash before I found this site, so thank you. By the way I’m a Scandinavian just like that Danish guy, the Icelandic people(ok, probably just me) are greatful for your tabs.

  16. eyolf Avatar

    Thanks for your response, everybody — much appreciated!
    A quick round of answers to the questions:
    1. There is not likely to appear any piano tabs here. I’m not a pianist, and, more importantly, that would seem to go a bit beyond the goals of this site: to present guitar tabs that are as correct as possible in order to allow the average player to play what is on the records, and, as a whole, to explore a playing style which is fascinating in itself and in its connections with different music cultures. The aim of “correctness” really stems from the conviction that it’s easier to play what Dylan actually plays, than to play what some song-book with hybrid arrangements, mostly for piano, says he plays. The aim is not to document everything Dylan has ever sung, played, hummed, hammered, or chimed. I’m also reluctant to the idea of tabbing lots of different live arrangements, because I think live music should be allowed to remain an ephemeral art form. I do it, of course, but only if the live versions are substantial and have musical merit.
    2. No, I don’t know when the next album is due.
    3. The M&A version of Crash on the Levee: I first thought it failed the demands in #1 above, but since so many people request it, there must be somthing to it. I will listen again.
    4. How to compensate me? Go out in the world and be good, thinking people. Read a novel. Listen to some music you never thought you’d give a chance, and give it a chance.
    Then there’s always the Paypal link in the left frame… :-)

  17. stefan Avatar

    Thank you so much for all your outstanding work here, Eyolf. It´s an unvaluable source for so many of us.
    Here´s to you!

  18. stefan Avatar

    I guess “invaluable” is the word I was looking for in the above post …

    But since I´m here again, I´d like to ask for some tabs as well:

    Drifter´s Escape (current version)
    The Wicked Messenger (” “)
    God Knows (” “, especially the intro before the whole band clicks in)
    Highway 61 (” “, especially Larry´s main riff)

    It would be great if you tabbed some of these. Thanks in advance.

  19. Guybrush Avatar

    Doesn’t anybody have a tab for Bob’s fantastic rendition of Baby let me follow you down from The Last Waltz??? I have been searching for it for months but I couldn’t find any…

  20. Miguel Á. Pozuelo Avatar
    Miguel Á. Pozuelo

    Well, so many gratitudes here… I would like to collect them all and put them in my post, but let’s leave the “copy and paste” thing just for my university proyect works. Seriously, you can’t imagine all the good you are doing to all of us lovers of music in general and dylan in particular. Thank you very much.
    Besides all that, I’d like to add a couple of things:
    – Thanks to my girlfriend & beloved Vero I finally own Dylan’s chronicles! (I’m from Spain and it’s not on sale here, she’s bought it through the internet)
    – Now that you (Eyolf) say we can talk about knitting, I want to say that I’ve had my very first experience this weekend (yes, it has been special, but it’s not that easy). It was making up a fancy dress for the Cádiz carnival. Just to say that I got so nervous with the knitting that my girlfriend and my brother had to help me out of the mess…

    Reporter: “Bob Dylan, the symbol of the sixties…”
    Dylan: “To Who?”
    R: “err…to the youth of the sixties…”
    D: “Who says that?”
    R: “Haven’t you said that”
    D: “I never said that…”

  21. Catsby Avatar

    Do you know who Bob’s band will be for his upcoming tour?

  22. Aaron A Avatar
    Aaron A

    Fantastic Website – I run a coffehouse at my law school twice a semester, and I use this site primarily to fill up my “protest-song” reputation. Love it.

  23. Anders Avatar

    Brilliant site mate, keep up the great work. As a rookie guitarist and Dylan-fan it’s such a massive help.

  24. daniel Avatar

    very good site . thank you .

  25. Todd Avatar

    I used to go to this web site alot before they had this
    place where you can put comments, and now i come here even
    more to see what new comments people put up. I think this
    awesome. Thanks alot for all the help for chords and tips
    of how to make songs better!

  26. mac Avatar

    Well, it goes without saying that I’m madly in love with Eyolf…We had a fall-by-the-sword love affair once. Love the new feature, dude….Hope to HEAR you soon!


  27. Abe G Avatar
    Abe G

    This is a great add-on. I myself am nineteen years old, and a Dylan fan for about a year. I’ve been playing guitar for five years now, and my progression/discovery of Dylan isn’t normal (I think). My favorite band from when I was nine years old was Nirvana, and about four years ago I heard Unplugged for the first time. Kurt played a Leadbelly song (Where Did You Sleep Last Night?), and it spurred my interest in Huddie Ledbetter. I was already a blooming blues fan, and this father of blues and rock, in my eyes, was a great find for me. Can you guess the next step? Leadbelly —> Woody Guthrie. Ahh yes, Woody. I love his music and Leadbellys because they give me a trip back in time, in a way. I’m rambling, thanks for reading this. Anyways, sure, I had heard of Dylan, my mom liked him (now my mom and I have great tastes in music, very similar), but I always thought that Dylan was some dude with a nasaly voice that I heard mimicked on SNL. Yes, I had heard Like A Rolling Stone and All Along the Watchtower, but I never really ‘heard’ it. Anyways, while searching on KazaaLite (I didn’t do this much, only dled about 50 songs in my life), I searched for Pastures of Plenty (a Guthrie song, to see if there were any other versions). One of the hits that comes up is by Bob Dylan. I get it, along with some other no-name people. Well, I fell in love with Dylan’s music and talent then, and now I can’t get enough. Well, I just wanted to say that this site has helped me ‘meld’ with Dylan’s music and message/nonmessage, and I want to thank you and all the contributors as well. Free Tibet!


  28. Mr Bojangles Avatar
    Mr Bojangles

    thanks for putting forth the time to put up the site and tab all the songs, but i think you should spend more time, getting weird and making love with strange women, than working on a website…..for all you know this could be Bob right now….

  29. eyolf Avatar

    Mr Bojangles: And why do you think there have only been a handful of updates in 2004…? :-)

  30. ryan Avatar

    eyolf…as you know, i’m very grateful to you for this site. i use it a lot, to say the least.
    hope all is well with you.

    take care,

  31. Tom Rutland Avatar
    Tom Rutland

    fest here too:  I’ve been a lifelong, dedicated Dylan fan ever since I
    first ‘heard’ Like a Rolling Stone and thought to myself, “Man, that guy is
    ”.  And like most of the rest of us, after that happens it’s all
    over—now he’s my standard by which all the others are judged…I’ve seen him a
    bunch in a variety of settings from small theaters to ominous outdoor stadium
    gigs and still to this day never know what to expect.  Recently, I’ve
    ‘discovered’ a virtual diamond mine and community of Dylan recordings online at
    EZTree.org and am renewing Dylan’s influence on me musically and otherwise. 
    Then, as fate would have it, I discover Dylanchords.com while trying to get some
    clarity on some lyrics…(I’d long ago given up on trying to learn to play his
    Bobliness’ tunes on my guitar from the songbooks I had…) and now, I’m actually
    playing Dylan tunes!!!!  (How on earth am I gonna learn to sing like that?!) 
    Bottom line: Life is Good!  Thank you Eyolf! And Thank You Dylan fans all over
    the planet!!! 

  32. Miguel Á. Pozuelo Avatar
    Miguel Á. Pozuelo

    Today’s our 4th anniversary Eyolf… it was the 11th of February 2001, when I first got into this site where the sun always shine. I can hardly express what ALL you’ve done in this site really means to me. I love not only your tabs but also your writting. I sincerely “love” you. You’re the best.

    P.S. Why don’t you put some photos of you? (Don’t be afraid, I just love you in a friendly way!), I’d like to put a face to the man who has done so much for me and I’m sure others like (plus, there’d be no more rumours of you being Dylan!)!)
    Thank you

  33. eyolf Avatar

    There are some pics of me at the pool

  34. TreeOfSmoke Avatar

    Why isn’t the name of this site on home page?
    Isn’t it still My Back Pages?

    P.S. Should I send you the new 2004 “Friend of the Devil”
    arrangement of Girl From North Country?

  35. Unknown Guitarist Avatar
    Unknown Guitarist

    Thank you Eyolf for all the songs that you have tabbed out.
    It is a major help to all of us. But I have a comment for
    you that you may get alot. You should write some things
    about yourself that descibes you. Like how you came to
    find Dylan like the rest of us,
    and if you ever met him at a consert or maybe even
    face to face with him. I hope you understand what I mean.

  36. Who's Hero? Avatar

    Here’s another thanks for you Eyolf. But one thing that seems missing…a Wallflower chord link. i know that its not Bob, but it is the offspring “of the guy who fused rock with folk,” “voice of the sixties counter culture” to me, sounds appropriate, i think Bob might even be proud, heh. And anyway, we all know whose basment Jakob goes into to scrounge around for lyrics…
    Again, amazing site, thanks for the time and money you spend keeping it up. (bow)

  37. John Cullum Avatar
    John Cullum

    Wichita blues! thank you so much, again.

  38. Miguel Á. Pozuelo Avatar
    Miguel Á. Pozuelo

    now… talking about alternate tunnings… you ever listened to Peppino D’Agostino? If not, do yourself a favour and listen to him. awesome!

  39. Who's Hero? Avatar

    heh, thanks for the link!

  40. danointo Avatar

    just thought i would add my personal thanks and acknowldgements for all of the labours you have undertaken to bring bob’s words and music to life. i agree with your mission statement ;there are many other things of interest on this planet beyond dylan, but like all serious dylan fans i find my wayward conversations somehow manage to quote or refer to bob….i can’t say enough about your tabs, with the exception that i, like others are waiting patiently for the lead from desolation row…thanks for everything…..i wonder what direction the band takes without larry? any thoughts…peace……dan

  41. whalen Avatar

    Great site! Best dylan tabs on the net hands down, thanks for all the time and effort you’ve put into the site and it’s tabs. Any chance of geting a more detailed tab of in my time of dying?

  42. eyolf Avatar

    That damned D-row… I hate it… :-) I’ve been this close to stating, once and for all, I’m never going to do it. But who knows, some day.
    In My Time Of Dying, now that’s probably a different matter. I’ll have a look at it.

  43. whalen Avatar

    Just wanted to say good lookin out on the in my time of dyin’ tab, this is certainly the greatest dylan site on the web, at least as far as learning about how to play his music goes.(i still says it’s the best of them all)

  44. Reindeer Soldier Avatar
    Reindeer Soldier

    Fantastic work on In My Time Of Dyin’.

    I don’t blame you for not wanting to tab Desolation Row. . . but surely you don’t hate the song itself?

  45. eyolf Avatar

    NO, the song is great. But that guitar part… it’s just an endless series of little figures over the same patterns, with lots of empty space inbetween — it’s going to take a year to type it in… I did Wigwam, though, so I shouldn’t complain ….

  46. Who's Hero? Avatar

    hey, i just wanted to pass on 2 great dylan sites. http://www.dvdylan.com and http://www.dylantree.com. the first is a dvd trading site where you can find dvd’s of dylan (obviously). and the second is a place where you can find all those pesky unreleased traks you see on dylanchords but have no idea how they sound (you know, like the unreleased version of blood on the tracks). the most remarkable thing about them is, as most dylan fans, their kind and are more than willing to help those new to the systems. and both have only unofficial bootlegs (concerts and unreleased underground dylan and if youve been to a concert, you can probably find its audio bootleg) so its all on the up and up. peace and good luck

  47. eyolf Avatar

    Thanks for the link tips. I’ve added them, and the Dylan Pool, which for some reason was not on the list.

  48. Tom C Avatar

    Didn’t know about Firefox until today, in case your interested. So Ifeel pretty ignorant. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks.

  49. True Blue Liberal Avatar

    I have to tell you that very few websites draw me back more often than yours. No place is more valuable or welcoming to a guitarist and old Dylan fan. And now my fifteen year old son is accompanying me to Dylan shows, devouring by old bootlegs, and learning to play the guitar. Once he learns a couple of more chords, I’m sure he’ll be as frequent a visitor as I have been over the years … Keep up the wonderful work.

  50. Glitter Girl Avatar
    Glitter Girl

    About what you want people to do to compensate you for your great work:
    Is it true, that you not only ask people to read a novel and listen to good music and be good thinking people, but that you in addition recomment them to have meaningfull sex with someone they love and use Firefox? It was just something I was told resently….

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