Category: recordings

  • Jokerman

    Jokerman is, without any doubt whatsoever, one of the great classics on a rollercoaster album such as Infidels. The single-guitar version on dylanchords, however, never really did it for me: great song, great harmonies, but so thin when you’re alone with your guitar, without the exquisite drums’n’bass work by Sly and Robbie.

    Then, one day, on my way home from work, I was somehow humming Jokerman while thinking Moonlight (this was back when “Love and Theft” was recent news), and something clicked.

    I’ve had it in the back of my head for some years now, so I figured it was time to record it.


    Jokerman meets Moonlight

    I suppose one could say that where Dylan’s Jokerman tends towards the enigmatic, mine is more of a joker.

    For those so inclined: here are the chords:

    Bbo      x12020
    Co       x34242
    A/c#     x42220  or x4222x with half-barre
    D/a      x04232
    E+       022110
    A7/g     34222x
    E7-9     076760
    Bb       688700
    G#+      476500
    |: A . Bbo . Bm7 . E7 . :|
    A               Bbo    Bm7          Co
    Standing on the waters casting your bread
              A/c# /e     F#           Bm7   E7       A       D/a  A  E+
    While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing.
    A       Bbo           Bm7      Co
    Distant ships sailing into the mist,
              A/c# /e    F#                    Bm7      
    You were born with a snake in both of your fists 
            E7            A       D/a  A  Bbo
    while a hurricane was blowing.
    Bm   /a-g#-f#   E     /f       /f#     /g#    A  D/a  A  Bbo
    Freedom         just around the corner for you
             Bm     /a   -g#-f#  E   /f  /f#    /g#    A /g# A7/g F#7
    But with truth so far off,    what good will it do?
    Bm7                   E7-9
    Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
    A        G           F#           F#7
    Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
    Bm7    Bb  G#+  A
    Oh,    oh, oh, Jokerman.

    Edit: Oh, and my friend Lars thought I started out too negative here, with the “I don’t like this and I don’t like that” and all, and that I should at least liven it up with a picture of U2. Go figure.