Good Links: Theme Time Radio and Tell Tale Signs

Scott Warmuth, who first discovered Dylan’s extensive borrowing from Henry Timrod for the lyrics to Modern Times and went on to dig deeper into the Ovidian connection, presents more findings in his blog. Well worth a visit!

The third season of Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour is well underway, and it’s as good as it used to be.
Get the shows, and read up on them. Highly recommended!

Acoustic Guitar Magazine has an online lesson with the basics of the guitar styles of Maybelle Carter, Jimmie Rodgers, Roy Harvey, and Riley Puckett, compete with music examples, a video, and thorough background material.

Alex Ross: The Wanderer

Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: The Wanderer

I’ve only recently gotten involved in the blog world, and this is one of the blogs I’ve realized I’ve missed. Alex Ross is known in the Dylan world as the author of one of the best recent articles about Dylan, and in the rest of the world as music critic in The New Yorker. His blog (mainly concerned with classical music) is one I frequently check out, and the Dylan article is available there too.

Arts & Letters Daily

Arts & Letters Daily – ideas, criticism, debate

This has now become my start page. One new article daily, in each of three categories (roughly: commentaries on current news, new books, and essays of a wider cultural scope). Just enough to keep the live and thinking person in me well fed and nourished for the rest of the day.
If that should not be enough, a fourth column contains links, to news sites, to book reviews, a selection of good blogs, and towards the bottom of the (long!) page, even some diversions – cartoons, a game of blackjack, Letterman jokes, stuff like that.