Category: general

  • A New Home

    The blog has been down for a while. How long, I don’t know, and that’s embarrassingly revealing of my recent neglect of the site. In any case, I decided to move the whole thing to my own webspace, and it seems that the transition has worked out nicely.
    Not that I was dissatisfied with the former home. From the day that I registered and left the old, catchy, and until I decided to take down the site, around Christmas 2005 because of the threats from the recording/publishing industry, the site has been hosted nicely from a secret location in Gothenburg — may thanks, Oskar! — and the blog remained there until today.
    But since I already had this other domain, I figured I might as well use it.
    A change of hosting and domain name doesn’t necessarily mean that the contents will have to change, but I do take it as an opportunity to be more general in what I write about. That was the original intention, but somehow I ended up writing mostly about Dylan anyhow. My intention is to go back to the original concept, of a blog about culture, music, opinion, and the political and human aspects of technology.
    But not to worry: there will be some things here about Dylan too.